
Our goal at Seer Sensitives is simple. We are here to offer wellness & improved mental health to those in need. Whether you need a bit of coaching, a qualified therapist, or even someone with esoteric gifts, we have a community here to serve your every need. We get you back in alignment with your goals and the life you envision. We even have content you can read to expand your understanding of yourself and live a happier, calmer life.

Our community is here for you and sensitive to all of life’s needs. Whether you’re in a crisis or if you’re looking to expand your knowledge and live the life you always envisioned, We’re on your side in both dark and light times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Seer Sensitive Memberships, which allow for booking appointments and time with a life coach, tarot reader, spiritual guide, therapist, or counselor. Additionally, there is merchandise, apparel, and unique artwork available. Primarily, we are a digital wellness organization populated with very gifted humans that were born with gifts that transcend science, to scientific professionally trained medical personnel in mental wellness. Each of our advisors has a desire to answer questions, resolve problems, or coach clients to a better situation or scenario.

Simple. Your goal is to book an appointment with an advisor. A membership suitable to your goals. You will then be matched with your advisor and have a chance to get to meet them before your first appointment. Regular members enjoy weekly fellowship and updates. Premier members are provided further availability including weekends and 24/7 appointments. VIP Members will receive a comprehensive list of their benefits after purchase beyond what is disclosed publicly.

Yes. You can have a 1-on-1 chat, phone communication, or video conference with your advisor. Similar to any doctor’s office, an appointment is required to be matched with one of our advisors. Appointments are possible after a membership is purchased. We do not accept medical insurance. The technology used to facilitate your time with the advisor is easy to use, and globally accepted and supported. Within minutes you should be securely connected and our technology is cross-browser compatible, and multi-device compatible. A phone, PC, or tablet may be required.

Write your thoughts down including questions, or objectives. Purchase a membership that is proper for your objective. Give yourself time in a quiet location so you can maximize privacy, and enjoy a more relaxing experience. Your first appointment with an advisor will set the stage for how to best serve your objectives – such as, some clients only require a few calls. Some objectives may takes weeks or months. The best course of action is to consult with your advisor or multiple advisors about a general plan specific to your needs.

We offer a platform for professional, curated, experienced consultants. There are plenty of budget-friendly sources to get advice, help, fellowship and etc. Seer Sensitive advisors are from a diverse background spanning medical, therapeutic, mysticism, life coaching – and prefer to offer their time to exclusive, member-only clients. Our consultants receive a majority compensation for their valuable time. Seer Sensitive LLC is a for-profit New Jersey, USA organization in good standing.

Personality conflicts are very common. Seer Sensitives will on-board each client usually with a consultation and attempt to best-match you with the right advisor that is action-packed with the skills and experience necessary to provide gainful services. If you are not able to make progress with an advisor, or you flat-out do not like your advisor, please use our contact form so we can match you with another advisor or professional resource.

Honor.  Also, our advisors and consultants have been interviewed, vetted, and have no desire to work with customers outside the protections and security and reputation of Seer Sensitives LLC.  We value and protect our staff vigorously.  We also protect our customer information and share limited data with staff.   Also, it’s not advised to steal from businesses.  Non-Solicitation-Agreements, Non-Disclosure-Agreements, Non-Compete-Contracts have all been built into our operations.

Emails, phone calls, and meetings transpired to rebrand and restructure Seer Sensitives, LLC. Simply put, whatever information applied from May 2023 – Oct 2023 is no longer applicable. We understand a “JOB WANT AD” was placed on Linkedin and we are unable to confirm if you spoke with official executives, or the owner of Seer Sensitives, LLC. There will be a CAREERS page deployed soon…

This is a mistake, not intentional theft on our part. Our images are found on websites that claim that they are free to be used by any party or signed off on directly by the artist themselves. We do our best to not make a mistake, but we’re only humans. We may not have an AI doing the image checking, but we can remedy the issue and fix the mistake post haste. If an image is yours, please contact us through our contact page. We will speak with you and remedy the issue right away.


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