Imagine anything on Earth being born or created. A person, an idea, a question, a business being launched—just about anything. The position of celestial bodies during the time and location of that event is what horoscopes display, and they begin with the zodiac constellation that rises from the eastern horizon. This placement, known as the ascendant (or rising) sign, changes every 2 hours and marks where the horoscope begins and ends. From this point, western astrologers split the sky into 12 even slices representing houses 1 through 12. All 12 houses point to different areas of life we experience. To put things into perspective, I will highlight each theme on tangible and intangible levels. It is important to note that these themes are not the end-all-be-all and to stay flexible while learning other factors of a horoscope that also play their part. 1st house The first house is YOU. The Self. On a tangible level, it is your entire vessel and how you use it. Your appearance and style, how you walk and speak, and your overall approach to most situations. On the intangible level, it is YOU on a SOUL level. It is the presence you have and the aura you emit. It is all the possible versions of yourself as you continue solidifying your identity in this lifetime. The 1st house resonates most with the mantra of Aries: “I am”. 2nd house The second house is your possessions. On a tangible level, it is your physical possessions, with the first being your physical vessel. Material possessions, like your bank account, house, or car, can also apply. On an intangible level, it is your gifts, talents, values, or anything else you own internally. The 2nd house resonates most with the mantra of Taurus: “I have”. 3rd house The third house is your environment. On a tangible level, it is your siblings you grew up with, your friends, your neighbourhood, your early education, and your local community. The intangible level is the impact of your environment, which shows how you learn, communicate, and process thoughts. The 3rd house resonates most with the mantra of Gemini: “I learn”. 4th house The fourth house is your foundation. On a tangible level, this is your home or anywhere that feels like home. It may also represent close friends and family or anyone you feel comfortable building a close connection with. The intangible level is internal feelings like privacy, trust, intimacy, and safety. The fourth house resonates most with the mantra of Cancer, “I feel.” 5th house The fifth house is your expression. The tangible level is anything fun or exciting that brings you joy. The intangible level is the connection with your own creativity and inner child. The more authentic this connection is, the better. Examples would include activities with children, dating, marriage, sex, personal hobbies, and other dynamics that require true self-expression. The 5th house resonates most with the mantra of Leo, “I will”. 6th house The sixth house is your routine. The tangible level is your daily habits, which determine your overall health. The intangible level can be analyzing habits to improve health. Proper adjustments are rewarded with great physical health, which coincides with mental health. The sixth house resonates most with Virgo’s mantra, “I analyze.” 7th house The seventh house is your opposite. The tangible level is all your relationships and the general approach you take to them. The intangible level acts as a mirror to self and the multiple things these connections teach you, regardless of whether they are friends, foes, lovers, etc. The 7th house resonates most with the mantra of Libra, “I relate.” 8th house The 8th house is your shared bond. The tangible level can be secrets, contracts, investigations, taxes, or anything else that materially binds people. The intangible level can be death, karmic depth, mysticism, or anything else deeply immersive and transformative for those involved. The 8th house resonates most with the mantra of Scorpio, “I desire.”. 9th house The 9th house is your experience. The tangible level involves physical travel to any extent and gaining perspectives from different people, lifestyles, or cultures. The intangible level is travelling mentally, best encouraged amid spiritual teachings, spiritual practices, and higher education. The 9th house resonates most with the mantra of Sagittarius, “I understand.”. 10th house The 10th house is your status. The tangible level can be your career or place of business, including achievements made in the public eye. The intangible can be your public reputation, natural influence on others, and ability to lead. The 10th house resonates most with the mantra of Capricorn, “I utilize”. 11th house The 11th house is your dream. The tangible level is a friend group, network, or community that was naturally formed while pursuing them. This includes the technology used to bring people together in larger volumes during modern times. The intangible level can be your internal hopes and wishes while growing into the version of yourself needed to bring them into reality. The 11th house resonates most with Aquarius’s mantra, “I change.” 12th house The 12th house is your subconscious. The tangible level can be anything lost, gone missing, or hidden from view. This can include yourself, whether you are gone on vacation, resting in bed, or on a spiritual retreat. The intangible level can be our own subconscious patterns, which we often perform without realizing. People and situations that reveal our own undoing (or hidden potential) can act as a major push towards growth, while the 12th house brings the wheel full circle. The 12th house resonates most with the mantra of Pisces: “I believe”. When comparing your sun sign to the ascendant sign and the entire chart, more factors are always considered. Multiple styles of astrology portray charts in different styles.