Timeline jumping involves the conscious transition of awareness from one series of potentialities to another. This concept suggests that you have the ability to navigate to an alternate timeline where your dreams and aspirations may be more achievable. This idea is grounded in the belief that life explores and utilizes all possible outcomes. Every conceivable sequence of events unfolds. The choices left unexplored in your present timeline are actively being played out in other timelines. Many believe that your soul, an eternal and boundless essence, transcends Earthly limitations. It houses a profound proficiency in the art of multilocation, signifying your simultaneous existence across multiple timelines. While this notion may be overwhelming to the linear and sequential nature of the human brain, your spiritual self operates beyond the constraints of space and time. Your expanded consciousness is adept at perceiving all potentialities across the vast expanse of time in every direction. Time, as we perceive it, is a human-made construct. All events occur simultaneously, and our choice in the three-dimensional realm is to experience them in a linear, sequential manner – a bit like navigating a maze blindfolded. As our experiment in the three-dimensional world approaches its conclusion, our consciousness is gradually awakening to the existence of parallel and concurrent realities and dimensions. Those who have been wandering through the maze of life with limited vision are on the brink of gaining a clearer perspective. This newfound sight will aid us in unraveling the puzzle more efficiently and transitioning into other dimensions of creation. An integral aspect of our awakening involves recalling how to access and navigate parallel timelines. In this transformative process, the recognition that time is not an absolute constraint allows us to glimpse the interconnectedness of various moments and possibilities. As we shed the constraints of perceiving existence solely in a linear fashion, the unfolding awareness of parallel timelines becomes a key element in our collective evolution toward higher dimensions of understanding and creation. How to (Consciously) Shift Timelines There are many methods you can deploy to help you change your personal resonance and timeline. They include: By following these steps and integrating them into your consciousness, you can actively participate in the process of timeline shifting and shape your experiences in alignment with your desires. What You Desire Has Already Been Accomplished There exists a version of you with those wants at this very moment. Your consciousness spans every infinite potential. To align with that particular possibility, that specific frequency, is all that is required. Imagine a television – numerous channels coexisting at the same time. If you are currently tuned into Channel 10, the other channels still exist. They are happening simultaneously. In order to “be a part of” the events on Channel 25, you have to tune into frequency. Television has always served as a metaphor for the mechanics of reality (a much deeper dive is required on this topic at another time). When you “tune in” to your sought-after reality in a similar manner, you will find you have access to the power, worthiness, and readiness at this very moment to attain all that you seek. The reality you aspire to already exists as a potential, with a version of you presently living that life – an additional potential within the quantum field. Your task is to direct your consciousness to that realm. That’s the essence of it. It is as simple as that. All you need is right before you. Simply follow these guidelines: Tune In to Your New Timeline Engage in visualization either during meditation or just before bedtime, envisioning yourself immersed in your desired reality. Allow yourself to feel and experience the sensations associated with this new state. If visualization proves challenging, focus on the emotional aspect. Following this practice, affirm that the manifestation is now complete. Accept its actualization and integrate this awareness into your daily routine, either through this method or by adopting a personalized approach that resonates with you. Release the Past Now knowing and believing yourself to be that new person, begin to show up as them daily to the best of your ability. Choose to act how they act or behave as they behave. Choose to perceive things as they do, choose to react to situations as they would. What is their inner talk like? Adopt it. And be aware of the old identity – what needs to go? What habits do not align with your new reality? What is no longer serving you? Drop it. Raise your consciousness When you raise your consciousness or frequency, you will begin to attract what you want and need. It is an entirely different operating system. The best way to raise your consciousness is to follow your happiness, to really pay attention to what feels good moment by moment, and follow it. Do more of what you love or enjoy. More regular meditations, even short ones, will help you do this too. A New You – How To Embody Your New Self As humans, we naturally try to overcomplicate life. Finding and embodying your new self is much easier than you can imagine. Simply ask yourself: Show up to life as if it is already done and you don’t have to worry about it, you don’t have to try to figure out how to get it, it is done. It is in place. What is that energy like? Show up that way more often. Once you have accomplished that and it becomes second nature to you, ask yourself: You are not doing this to try to manifest or change something outside of you – you are now showing up as the new person because it has already been done! This is who you are now. Your New Concept of Self Are we living in a matrix where we can choose the life we want? Have we had this power the entire time (remember Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz?)? Maybe… and maybe it is time we took back our own power.
Thorns of grief, tangled inside me like the branches of wild blackberries. In the darkest moment of my grief, I tried to separate myself from art. I was so angry and upset, I felt like what I created was more important than me as a person. I felt like my only value was placed on what I made for others to consume. It blinded me. I couldn’t see how others were loving me, because no one ever showed me or defined what that looked like. How would I know what it looked like when someone else loved me, if I didn’t have the instructions? It’s not like we come to earth with an instruction manual: “How to recognize love?” “How do I become a better parent?” “How to love myself” It wasn’t until we all joined in and started flooding the internet with “articles on self help” that we could start seeing how one way of existing wasn’t the end all be all. I felt like I was the thorny mess left tangled in abandoned places. I felt small in comparison to my art. It was the abundance that was plucked clean off of my love to decorate and adorn others without leaving anything for me. I fell into and surrendered to a depression that made me feel the most alone that I ever have felt. I lost my support system that I created from my abundance because I refused to produce. I was so angry and finally had to figure out where to put those feelings and how to express myself and find myself in a way that wasn’t outside of myself. I submitted to my shadow and let it swallow me whole. I did this to understand how to contain myself, and how to not hurt myself or others from me being oblivious or consumed in my work. I had to get to know me. I had to study myself and figure out how I worked because that was my job, not anyone else’s. I had to learn how to manage my cycles of growth and figure out how to create boundaries for myself and make room inside myself in the tangle of thorns, to figure out what seeds I was given and what else existed within me besides my creative gifts. Who was I, and why? Why do I like what I like? Where are the roots to what I value? How strong and how deep do the roots reach? When do they start? What parts of myself are no longer useful? How do I cure the parts of myself that hurt me? How do I love myself if I’ve never been shown how? There it was. Love. When I thought about love, it was a big nasty knot tied to grief… and that love was tethered to art with a golden thread. No matter how many attempts, I couldn’t chew through it. The roots were strong and deep. I tore it from me, I ripped off my armor and veil to see who was hiding within me. In doing this, I also ripped out the roots of a seed that my grandma loved and held space for. The tangled mess was not knowing how to contain that love. I kept all the mess inside me from the invasive thorns of unbridled grief and anger inside me. Of course it was going to spill over outside of me… It tangled into my relationships. It tangled into my work. It tangled into my schedule. It tangled into every part of my life and when I don’t keep it in check, it still spills over. Grief makes a home inside of us and it’s invasive. It twists and tangles when we don’t give it a space to be released. Those thorns aren’t meant to grow and tangle inside us. Love should be the piece of Death that remains within us. Expressing it and giving a place to release it in healthy ways to ease the gut wrenching moments of the wounds of their absence left behind, should be what we fill ourselves with. But how would we know? When there are so many ways to lessen the pain outside of ourselves? Distractions from the pain and discomfort; drugs, alcohol, sex, work, money, working out, eating, pick your poison. Any one of those things can turn into the invasive thorns that start to consume and take over and hurt areas of your life that are supposed to be sustained and managed to create abundance. Having self control is a hard discipline to learn when you’re in the depths of grief. It takes work and it’s intimidating to face a mess that has been inside you since the roots of its origin. I had to figure out how to salvage parts of the roots that are healthy inside me so I could focus on those parts and heal. Refurbish that home that is supposed to make me feel safe inside myself, so I wouldn’t seek comfort outside of me to cope with the permanent invasive roommate “grief” that refuses to get a job and clean up after themselves. You have a few options at that point: *disclaimer: if grief moves out, it may or may not *pop in* for unsolicited visits, usually around the holidays and family gatherings. When I tried to separate myself from art, I realized that I was destroying my own abundance. I realized that I was crucifying myself. Restricting my mind for a space to release the energy of my gift, was restricting myself from the love that came from the endless well of love that my grandma gave to me. I wrapped the thorns around my mind instead of letting the flowers bloom. Art was with me since birth. It was my first language before I could speak. It kept me company when I was alone. It kept me busy. It kept me safe. It was the closest that I could be to God, because it was
Elevate Your Life – The Power of Raising Your Vibration
In the intricate symphony of life, the resonance of our vibrations takes center stage, analogous to the delicate process of tuning into a beloved radio station. Remarkably, our physical bodies emit frequencies that intricately intertwine with our emotional states, creating a symphony of experiences that define our existence. By recognizing and intentionally elevating these vibrations, we have the power to shape a profound influence on our overall well-being. It’s akin to becoming the conductor of our own life’s composition, orchestrating a harmonious and enriching blend of emotions and experiences. Much like a skilled composer crafting a masterpiece, we possess the ability to weave the threads of our vibrational frequencies into a captivating tapestry of well-being. Understanding that our emotions are intricately connected to these frequencies allows us to navigate life with greater awareness and intentionality. By consciously choosing to raise our vibrations, we not only harmonize our internal state but also contribute positively to the collective melody of the world around us, fostering an environment of growth, joy, and fulfillment. The Frequency of Happiness Just like a radio tunes in to a specific frequency, our lives resonate with different vibrations. When our energy is high and our frequency is fast, we tend to attract positive people and situations. Conversely, feelings of sadness, anger, or anxiety indicate a lower and denser vibration. By cultivating the habit of raising our vibration, we can invite positivity into all aspects of our lives. Attracting Positivity Imagine this – you step into a room, and there’s an unmistakable energy that captivates your attention. Someone, seemingly at the center of it all, is radiating an aura of high energy. It is like a magnetic force that effortlessly pulls you in, even if you are on the other side of a crowded room. This phenomenon is not merely a coincidence – it is the result of aligning frequencies. Our lives are a symphony of vibrations, and much like tuning in to your favorite radio station, you have the power to adjust your frequency. When you consciously raise your vibration, you become a light of positivity. It is as if you have fine-tuned your inner radio dial to attract and manifest positive situations and events at an accelerated pace. The concept of aligning frequencies is akin to being in harmony with the universe. Just as a musical ensemble resonates when all instruments are in tune, your life harmonizes when your energy is elevated. It is a beautiful dance where you and the world around you move in sync, creating a powerful magnetism that draws in goodness. Raising your vibration isn’t merely about feeling good in the moment. It is a dynamic force that influences the very fabric of your existence. Positive energy begets positive outcomes. It is like setting the stage for a cascade of favorable events – opportunities seem to present themselves, and challenges become surmountable. Consider the butterfly effect of your elevated vibration. Your positive energy does not just impact you – it ripples outward – affecting those around you. People are naturally drawn to positivity, and your elevated state becomes a source of inspiration for others. You become a catalyst for a chain reaction of good vibes, creating an uplifting atmosphere in your personal and professional spheres. Moreover, the heightened vibrational state serves as a powerful tool for intentional and interdimensional manifestation. As you align your energy with positive frequencies, you become a magnet for the very experiences and opportunities that resonate with your desires. It is like sending out a cosmic order to the universe, and in return, you receive an abundance of what aligns with your elevated state of being. In essence, raising your vibration is an invitation to dance with the universe. It is a conscious decision to attune yourself to the symphony of positivity, allowing the music of life to play in perfect harmony. So, the next time you step into a room and feel that magnetic pull toward someone radiating high energy, remember—It is not magic; It is the powerful resonance of aligned frequencies at play. Embrace the dance, elevate your vibration, and watch as the world responds in kind. Inner Peace Through Vibration One of the most significant benefits of raising your vibration is the sense of inner peace it brings. The emotional states of peace, joy, and gratitude far surpass the negative emotions of anger, guilt, and fear. In a world often driven by fear, intentionally elevating your vibration becomes a powerful tool for achieving a sense of tranquility and contentment. Practical Tips for Raising Your Vibration How does one raise their vibration? There are many ways such as wearing crystals that resonate at a certain frequency or practicing daily meditation. Other ways to raise your personal resonance are: Raising your vibration is a simple yet transformative practice that can bring more happiness, peace, and joy into your life. By incorporating gratitude, movement, and positive language into your daily routine, you can become an inspirational leader in your community and attract a life filled with positivity and fulfillment. Embrace the power of your vibrations, and watch as your life becomes a harmonious symphony of joy.Please note – I want to emphasize that I am not a medical practitioner, and the information provided here does not constitute a diagnosis for any medical condition. It is crucial to consult with your doctor for personalized medical advice. In case of a medical emergency, please promptly call 911 or your National Emergency Number. Your health and well-being should always be guided by the expertise of qualified healthcare professionals.
Limits of Mainstream Astrology
A common mistake in astrology can be generalizing the study, especially horoscopes or compatibility, after quick searches on popular websites. There are other aspects that can help people understand horoscopes better and break the ice by learning to interpret their own. Ironically, I found this out by trying to prove to myself and others that “Astrology was BS”. I quickly learned the argument that “Zodiac signs are not your personality” is something professional astrologers wholeheartedly agree with. In hindsight, a few factors really pushed me into this study. The first was learning that celestial bodies transit through sections of the sky referred to as zodiac signs or houses. The next was observing one that traveled very fast (the moon), and paying close attention to its “influence” while transiting all signs across one month. I never saw magical lunar rays that fell from the sky and changed people’s behavior, but the subtle changes I noticed within and around myself when the moon changed signs became very hard to ignore. It came to a point where I started trusting these patterns over any scholar’s opinions against them. Applying this observation to the sun and every planet within the span of a year turned me into a student of astrology before I knew it. One of my favorite interactions is when someone looks at the description of their zodiac sign and says, “That doesn’t sound like me…” When looking at our entire chart, we can see that we’re technically ALL SIGNS, ALL THE TIME. People take on certain energy signatures more than others, and astrology will always convey this. Here are a few more things you’ll learn just outside the border of mainstream astrology: Getting a basic understanding of your own horoscope and birth chart is something I believe anyone can do with enough practice. Articles like these will be dedicated to dumbing down the deeper concepts, with hopes of altering the mainstream astrology I once knew.
Gear Up For the Final Mercury Retrograde of 2024!
“Mercury Retrograde”, the heavenly movement that frequently becomes the scapegoat for triggering misunderstandings, a dearth of clarity, and hurdles in diverse modes of communication, is on the horizon. Brace yourself for a phase during which Mercury, the celestial messenger, embarks on its backward journey, potentially stirring the cosmic waters of interaction. What sets this particular Mercury retrograde apart from its 2023 predecessors is the planetary-dance occurring as Mercury transitions from Capricorn to Sagittarius. The pre-retrograde shadow started casting its influence November 25th and concludes with the post-retrograde shadow dissipating on January 20, 2024. As we prepare for the final Mercury retrograde of 2023, it is essential to recognize that, although it shares similarities with its predecessors this year, this event unfolds with distinctive characteristics as Mercury transitions through Capricorn and Sagittarius. Delving into the dynamics of this retrograde reveals a unique interplay between the steadfast energy of Capricorn and the restive nature of Sagittarius. This particular retrograde introduces a theme that stimulates profound contemplation, inspiring individuals to pursue ambitious goals, garner recognition, and achieve long-held aspirations. While the disciplined influence of Capricorn encourages focused dedication, the retrogrades presence in Sagittarius introduces an element of restlessness, resulting in unexpected delays and challenges. This juxtaposition creates a dynamic interplay between the pragmatic and the adventurous – a cosmic tug-of-war that may evoke a head-versus-heart sensation, prompting you to push boundaries and navigate through perceived limitations. Is Mercury in retrograde a bad thing? As Mercury takes its apparent backward journey, the astrological forecast often includes warnings of revisiting old patterns or relationships, cautioning against the repetition of past mistakes. It is a cosmic phenomenon that seems to spark a curious trend – many people contemplate reaching out to their exes during this time, seeking closure or revisiting unresolved emotions. However, astrologers advise against such actions, emphasizing that the perception of Mercury retrograde as a time for rekindling old flames might not align with its cosmic reality. The Universal truth is that an individual’s perception is their reality. Individuals who are fixated on the doom and gloom of life and are expecting everything to go wrong will find just that. However, if you are aware of this energy and plan ahead, you will be prepared and will be ready to circumvent potential pitfalls. Review where you are investing energy Mercury retrograde often bears the brunt of blame for the seemingly universal chaos that infiltrates our daily lives. However, beyond its reputation as a heavenly troublemaker, this period offers a valuable opportunity for introspection and contemplation. It is a time to cast an introspective eye on where you channel your time and energy. Consider this… have work commitments eclipsed precious moments with family? Are you inadvertently sidelining cherished hobbies due to a hectic schedule? While it is easy to attribute disruptions to the cosmic dance of Mercury, the truth is that balance is a necessity. Mercury retrograde simply serves as a cosmic reminder to pause, reassess, and ensure your life aligns with your values and priorities. Take advantage of this astrological interlude not just to blame the stars, but to honestly evaluate whether your current equilibrium brings you contentment. Above all, don’t panic – Embrace the shift As we immerse ourselves in the energy of Mercury retrograde, it is essential to maintain a positive perspective on its potential impacts. While there is talk of cosmic shifts, it is important to recognize that these influences are simply how we view them. It is possible to find the silver lining of every situation, if you simply reframe your outlook on a situation. If it feels like the usual rhythm is taking a joyful detour, consider that the heightened awareness during this period might be playing a part in amplifying the cosmic energy. The act of paying closer attention to potential changes can bring about a positive sense of heightened awareness, adding an extra layer of mindfulness to our daily lives. There is an old saying that applies to this time… I never knew how brightly the stars shine at night… until I lost my roof. Rather than succumbing to stress over perceived issues, it is more beneficial to roll with the punches. Embracing a calm demeanor not only contributes to a positive overall outlook but positions you better to navigate any unexpected twists that may come your way during this cosmic phase. Remember, the power lies in adapting with resilience rather than letting apprehension take the reins. Time to revisit the skeletons in your closet Embracing the transformative energy of the Mercury retrograde, individuals are presented with a unique opportunity to delve deep into the recesses of their internal landscapes. This cosmic phenomenon serves as an auspicious time to confront and address any proverbial skeletons lurking in the closets of our minds and hearts. Rather than shying away from the shadows, the retrograde invites us to engage in the essential internal work needed for personal growth and self-discovery. Consider this period as an open invitation to embark on a journey of introspection and self-reflection. The notion of the “dark night of the soul” work takes center stage, encouraging individuals to confront their innermost fears, doubts, and unresolved issues. By doing so, we pave the way for profound healing and personal evolution. This isn’t a time to fear the internal shadows but an opportunity to illuminate them, bringing to light aspects of ourselves that may have long been in the shadows. Through this internal excavation, we lay the foundation for a more authentic and aligned existence, aligning with the transformative energies of the cosmos and emerging from the retrograde with newfound clarity and resilience. Now that you have started to clear your “emotional closets”, the Mercury retrograde period is also the perfect time to go into your “physical closets”, clean them out, and donate the items that no longer fit you or fit your style. Refine and review communications As the celestial bodies dance in the starry night, Mercury takes the lead in governing communication in all its
Using stone (pul’laka) for heavy energy release
Have you ever been in a situation when something unpleasant and perhaps unfair happened to you, and you neither had an opportunity to respond nor were in a position to defend your grounds, provide explanations, present your opinion? And afterwards the memories of the event do not let you find peace and inner tranquility as you keep thinking about the case, delivering brilliant speeches within silent emptiness of the closet, making fair and powerful statements in the shower, and so on, and so forth… Or perchance you were witnessing a particular conflict or argument and did not have enough courage at the moment to step in and help to resolve the dispute, or you overlooked an opportunity to express well kept appreciation, compassion or devotion to someone, or you could have made a witty and appropriate comment, but someone cut you off… In addition, objectively it may not be a big deal at all, you understand and accept that it is not worth spending so much time and energy on processing the experience, but you can’t help yourself. Surely you can address the issue to a professional, but often it may feel slightly awkward to set a whole session for a minor problem solution, although therapists are amazingly useful and beneficial in a great variety of challenging situations. In Siberian shamanic tradition there is a helpful technique which is called “talking to a stone”; in Sel’kup language stone is called “pul’laka”. Here is what one can do in order to pull yourself from the vicious circle of destructive self-talk over a minor or insignificant issue. Set up an hour or so, go to the Nature or as close as you can get to the wilderness in your area. Greet the place, greet the Spirits of the Land and Mother Earth the way that feels the most appropriate to you. Recognize and verbalize the issue, energies of which you want to ground and release. Perhaps there is a person in mind, and you have unexpressed emotions or words towards that person, the situation they have created, etc. Set an intention to clear up the energies which you experience as repetitive thinking and overthinking, writing and overwriting scenarios of possible outcomes where you are the “winner”. Ask the Spirits of the Land and Mother Earth to help you to find a perfect stone or pul’laka for the ceremony, and start looking for it. Walk around, tune into the energies of the place, let your intuition lead and guide your search. When you see the “right” stone, you feel it: greet the pul’laka, express your gratitude out loud or not. Take your pul’laka, hold it in your hands. Keep in mind that courageous spirit of the stone volunteered to take and release your energetic burden: it is sacred work of the Nature. Hold pul’laka in your hand and start talking to it: describe the situation that bothers you, complain, blame, express anger if there is any, dump resentment, bitterness… if you need to repeat some phrases or words, do it! Keep talking, feel the flow of the energies which are coming out. Perhaps while talking about the issue, a memory of the past similar event or situation pops up in mind, tell pul’laka everything that comes up. If you feel like you need to scream or cry, do it! Keep talking to pul’laka until you start feeling empty and slightly tired, until you notice that you have nothing else to say. Stop and breathe for some time, feel how your energy field is reconfiguring itself. Maybe it is time to smile and say sincere “Thank you!” or “Tat Fa Kup!”. While expressing gratitude energetically separate yourself from the pul’laka, it is a small energy conversion box now. If there is a river, creek or lake nearby, throw your pul’laka in there with gratitude and intention to harm none. When you are far from water, find an appropriate place to hide pul’laka on the surface of the Earth with the same intention and gratitude to All.
Astrology, Free Will and Predestination
One constant in astrology is how powerful it becomes when used retrospectively. These patterns in the sky have been carefully studied across generations, which inspires me to write about them. Growing interest in astrology will never fade because studying what’s above you is a practical idea. On the other hand, some astrologers buy into this study being the embodiment of predestination, believing what’s written in the stars is guaranteed to happen with no free will involved. This viewpoint is delicate, with a lot of room for nuance. A horoscope or powerful transit can speak loudly about future themes without exposing every detail of the experience itself. No matter how accurate an astrologer can be, qualities like hindsight and retrospect will be there to one-up any concept related to fate. Free will and predestination are the same in that both are just outside of our perception. Even as multidimensional human beings, the only thing that we can truly perceive is this moment. Both predestination and free will are always waiting seconds after this current moment, and it’s how you work with the latter that matters. For natal charts, there are three aspects often used that feel like “fate.” Both the North and South Nodes of the moon resonate with soul growth (the north node) and familiarity (the south node). There’s a strong karmic pull in either direction; both aspects are always in opposite signs across 18 months. Any transit or synastry that highlights the North Node may feel like you’re part of something that helps you grow immensely, while the South Node influence feels like something you’ve always known. For the South Node, it’s important to be mindful of familiarity that hinders your ability to grow. The symbol for these placements are shaped like a horseshoe. (☊ NN / ☋ SN) The last aspect is known as the vertex. When energies overlap (conjunct) the vertex in natal charts, an undeniable feeling is attached to the person or experience. For example, a Venus transit over my vertex lets me tap into my artistic side with ease. Mars over my vertex highlights passion and drive, followed by outlets to release built-up energies. From experience, the Vertex always makes for people or encounters that are meant to be significant (regardless of longevity). The symbol for vertex in charts often looks like a “Vx” positioned on the right side of the wheel.
Cracking the Code: The Significance and Purpose of Akashic Records
The Akashic realm is believed to represent the utmost level of energy. Within its boundless expanse resides the complete repository of every thought, action, and experience spanning the entirety of your soul’s odyssey. When delving into your Akashic Records, you are in direct communion with your spiritual guides, mentors, and cherished ones. These spiritual guides, or masters, embody a collective energy that has accompanied you since the inception of your soul, providing access to the tapestry of your past lives, the unfolding present, and the potential trajectories of your future. This implies that every emotion, action, commitment, and thought across all lifetimes is meticulously documented in the Akashic Records. The purpose of our existence becomes evident as we find answers to life’s questions within the pages of these profound records. The exploration of Akashic Records serves a multitude of purposes. It not only imparts understanding and guidance and fostering a deep and profound healing, but also elevates one’s vibrational frequency to a level and a space where a reconnection with their soul-level truth becomes possible. It is important to do the deep work within and have a complete grasp and understanding of your soul’s purpose this time around before attempting to do any type of energetically jumping of a soul’s timeline. Embarking on a journey into the Akashic Records is more than just exploration. It is a profound investment in your soul’s growth. Why is the pursuit having your records read is important? There are many reasons. A few reasons include: Having an individual’s Akashic Records read is a transformative act of self-care that goes beyond mere curiosity. It is a conscious step towards unlocking the wisdom of your soul, fostering growth, healing, and the alignment of your life with your authentic purpose. Redefine Your Life Discovering and exploring the transformative power of Akashic Healing is a tool for individuals who wish to reshape and understand their lives. Understanding what has been “blocking” your good fortune can then empower an individual to make meaningful shifts in their life, creating space for positive transformation and the manifestation of their deepest desires. If one finds themself seeking profound answers to questions about purpose, navigating challenging relationships, overcoming financial obstacles, or addressing past traumas, accessing and understanding, investigating their Akashic Records will become an invaluable tool and has the potential to be truly life-changing. Ways in which investigating your Akashic Records can transform your life: Engaging in the exploration of one’s Akashic Records can be a transformative and enlightening endeavor, offering profound insights into the intricate tapestry of one’s soul journey. By delving into this highest energetic realm, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of their past lives, present circumstances, and potential future paths. The Akashic Records serve as a repository of every thought, action, and experience, acting as a spiritual compass that guides personal growth and self-discovery. Accessing this profound source of information facilitates a deeper connection with spiritual guides, mentors, and loved ones, providing invaluable guidance and clarity for navigating life’s challenges. Ultimately, delving into the Akashic Records empowers individuals to unlock hidden potentials, heal past wounds, and embark on a more conscious and purposeful life journey. In emphasizing the importance of personal health and well-being, it is imperative to declare that I am not a medical practitioner. The information provided herein does not constitute a diagnosis for any medical condition. Consultation with your doctor is crucial for personalized medical advice. In the event of a medical emergency, please promptly call 911 or your National Emergency Number. Your health journey should always be guided by the expertise of qualified healthcare professionals.
It’s that time of the year again when people get curious about the winter holidays, especially with Christmas just around the corner. Many of our readers will know about Christmas’s pagan origins, and while people are fascinated, they may not know much about the actual holiday in question or how it’s celebrated even today. What you may already know: Saturnalia is one of the more well-known areas of the pagan origins of Christmas. It is normally mentioned in a negative context, as the tradition was also accompanied by absolute lawlessness. All social rules were reversed during Saturnalia, making all crimes that were normally illegal acceptable on the day. Which at the time was actually December seventeenth, and later from the seventeenth until the twenty-third of the month. However, Saturnalia wasn’t all depravity and horrible acts of debauchery, as some have tried to proclaim. Although they were definitely present, as we were a more primitive species back then, many beautiful traditions have managed to stay in our modern-day culture from this time period and holiday. What did Saturnalia celebrate exactly? Saturnalia, like most holidays during this time, was connected to the winter solstice and harvest. At the time, it was celebrated in honor of the Roman god Saturn. He represented more peaceful times and agricultural prosperity. The Romans believed he was the one to show them how to plant the seeds for a bountiful harvest and how to properly do said harvesting when the crops matured. He also represented prosperity and liberation and was thus quite popular in Roman culture. So naturally, it would only make sense to have a day (later a week) to honor the god they felt kept their bellies full and their lives peaceful and fulfilled. This celebration was one of the biggest and most popular, even compared to other Roman holidays from the same time period. How was Saturnalia celebrated? In a lot of ways, Saturnalia was like completely unclenching after a year’s worth of work. All work was suspended, and like we discussed, rules were eased up significantly. While this definitely enabled questionable things, slaves were treated as equals during this time as well, and all people, no matter their station, were lavished with good food and allowed to wear colorful clothing. Truly, everyone was equal to each other, no matter their background. The spirit of Saturnalia was one of pure pleasure-seeking, joy, and fun, for better or for worse. Everywhere you went, there were festivals, feasts, dancing, gambling, and singing that could be heard and seen. Another thing was gift-giving. The gifts could be compared to a modern-day secret Santa. You could get them from anyone and give them to anyone as well, adding to the free-spirited and fun nature of the holiday. One silly tradition was declaring someone in your household the king, and the other family members had to do what they said for the day. As the celebration wound down, candles and lights were lit in Saturn’s honor. This was the quieter and more divinely-centered part of the holiday. They also reminded everyone that spring and the light would return soon. Surprisingly, candles and lamps were the more popular offerings. Most assume it would be human sacrifice, and while that may have been present courtesy of the time period, it certainly wasn’t common. Food was also given as an offering, which would make sense considering what Saturn represented and how many feasts and drinks are had during this particular holiday. Overall, the celebrations were like a carnival. Fun, happy, and having the right idea or spirit, but certainly chaotic and probably no fun to clean up when the festivities ended. Saturnalia in modern times: Parts of Saturnalia are still in Christmas to this day and are obvious to see. It’s common to drink and have big feasts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Christmas parties are also still common, as is gift-giving! Although a Santa-like figure wasn’t present in the Roman counterpart, Saturnalia focused more on the free-spirited aspects, while Christmas is about Jesus’s birth and meant to be more chaste and pure. Churches would definitely not approve of celebrating Jesus in such a way. Christmas also lacks the reversal of social norms, or the king for a day tradition. Unfortunately, it may have also distanced itself from everyone of all backgrounds being equal, which Saturnalia based a lot of its celebration on, as many still feel isolated even during the holidays. How can I incorporate Saturnalia into my modern life? As stated above, a lot of it is already present. For my readers looking to spice things up, of course, don’t do anything illegal. You can perhaps get a bit more fun and crazy than you otherwise would, though. Go try that food or drink you never had. Pull that mischievous little prank. If you see someone new, try to talk to them, especially if they seem lonely and left out. In times like these, we need to remember not to take life too seriously. Saturnalia may have taken this to an extreme with public nudity and drinking so much you wouldn’t remember your own name, but we don’t have to do the same. There are ways to have fun and be wild without hurting anyone or endangering ourselves. The other way is to remember that no matter where we come from, how we identify, or what our current economic status is, we’re all humans. Come together with others as much as you can, especially those who would otherwise not be included or don’t have anyone. The fact that all of us are humans at the end of the day and share the same planet seemed very important to the Romans during this festival. It should be important to us as well. So have fun, be safe, and maybe light a candle. It doesn’t have to be for Saturn if you don’t want that; perhaps the light in your window will help guide a soul through the dark that
12 Houses in Astrology
Imagine anything on Earth being born or created. A person, an idea, a question, a business being launched—just about anything. The position of celestial bodies during the time and location of that event is what horoscopes display, and they begin with the zodiac constellation that rises from the eastern horizon. This placement, known as the ascendant (or rising) sign, changes every 2 hours and marks where the horoscope begins and ends. From this point, western astrologers split the sky into 12 even slices representing houses 1 through 12. All 12 houses point to different areas of life we experience. To put things into perspective, I will highlight each theme on tangible and intangible levels. It is important to note that these themes are not the end-all-be-all and to stay flexible while learning other factors of a horoscope that also play their part. 1st house The first house is YOU. The Self. On a tangible level, it is your entire vessel and how you use it. Your appearance and style, how you walk and speak, and your overall approach to most situations. On the intangible level, it is YOU on a SOUL level. It is the presence you have and the aura you emit. It is all the possible versions of yourself as you continue solidifying your identity in this lifetime. The 1st house resonates most with the mantra of Aries: “I am”. 2nd house The second house is your possessions. On a tangible level, it is your physical possessions, with the first being your physical vessel. Material possessions, like your bank account, house, or car, can also apply. On an intangible level, it is your gifts, talents, values, or anything else you own internally. The 2nd house resonates most with the mantra of Taurus: “I have”. 3rd house The third house is your environment. On a tangible level, it is your siblings you grew up with, your friends, your neighbourhood, your early education, and your local community. The intangible level is the impact of your environment, which shows how you learn, communicate, and process thoughts. The 3rd house resonates most with the mantra of Gemini: “I learn”. 4th house The fourth house is your foundation. On a tangible level, this is your home or anywhere that feels like home. It may also represent close friends and family or anyone you feel comfortable building a close connection with. The intangible level is internal feelings like privacy, trust, intimacy, and safety. The fourth house resonates most with the mantra of Cancer, “I feel.” 5th house The fifth house is your expression. The tangible level is anything fun or exciting that brings you joy. The intangible level is the connection with your own creativity and inner child. The more authentic this connection is, the better. Examples would include activities with children, dating, marriage, sex, personal hobbies, and other dynamics that require true self-expression. The 5th house resonates most with the mantra of Leo, “I will”. 6th house The sixth house is your routine. The tangible level is your daily habits, which determine your overall health. The intangible level can be analyzing habits to improve health. Proper adjustments are rewarded with great physical health, which coincides with mental health. The sixth house resonates most with Virgo’s mantra, “I analyze.” 7th house The seventh house is your opposite. The tangible level is all your relationships and the general approach you take to them. The intangible level acts as a mirror to self and the multiple things these connections teach you, regardless of whether they are friends, foes, lovers, etc. The 7th house resonates most with the mantra of Libra, “I relate.” 8th house The 8th house is your shared bond. The tangible level can be secrets, contracts, investigations, taxes, or anything else that materially binds people. The intangible level can be death, karmic depth, mysticism, or anything else deeply immersive and transformative for those involved. The 8th house resonates most with the mantra of Scorpio, “I desire.”. 9th house The 9th house is your experience. The tangible level involves physical travel to any extent and gaining perspectives from different people, lifestyles, or cultures. The intangible level is travelling mentally, best encouraged amid spiritual teachings, spiritual practices, and higher education. The 9th house resonates most with the mantra of Sagittarius, “I understand.”. 10th house The 10th house is your status. The tangible level can be your career or place of business, including achievements made in the public eye. The intangible can be your public reputation, natural influence on others, and ability to lead. The 10th house resonates most with the mantra of Capricorn, “I utilize”. 11th house The 11th house is your dream. The tangible level is a friend group, network, or community that was naturally formed while pursuing them. This includes the technology used to bring people together in larger volumes during modern times. The intangible level can be your internal hopes and wishes while growing into the version of yourself needed to bring them into reality. The 11th house resonates most with Aquarius’s mantra, “I change.” 12th house The 12th house is your subconscious. The tangible level can be anything lost, gone missing, or hidden from view. This can include yourself, whether you are gone on vacation, resting in bed, or on a spiritual retreat. The intangible level can be our own subconscious patterns, which we often perform without realizing. People and situations that reveal our own undoing (or hidden potential) can act as a major push towards growth, while the 12th house brings the wheel full circle. The 12th house resonates most with the mantra of Pisces: “I believe”. When comparing your sun sign to the ascendant sign and the entire chart, more factors are always considered. Multiple styles of astrology portray charts in different styles.
Helichrysum Italicum
Helichrysum Italicum (Note: Before any application or use of the information below, first consult with your doctor. I am not a medical professional, and my article is strictly based on my personal knowledge and experiences. Always do a test patch for skin allergies before use, and consult your medical professionals to ensure this is the right oil or herb for you. Also known as Italian Strawflower or Immortelle. It has been used for hundreds of years to help with a variety of issues. It tends to be found in the Mediterranean on rocky, sandy, or dry ground. Its scent is bitter and comparable to curry, sage, or wormwood. Many times, it is paired with fish for cooking. Helichrysum increases cutaneous microcirculation and collagen. Giving it a high level of antioxidant behavior. This has a benefit in healing wounds and scar tissue. Its effects are also beneficial for old scars. For a good face application or to apply to scar tissue, I would combine 10 drops of Helichrysum oil and 10 drops of Frankincense oil and mix with 80–100 drops of carrier oil (I prefer Castor Oil). Massage gently 2-3 times a day for scar tissue, and 1 to 2 times a day for general facial rejuvenation.For broken bones, bruises, or muscle pains, take 10–30 drops of the essential oil and apply them to a damp gauze pad soaked in hot water. Place it on the area where you have pain and cover it with saran wrap. You can leave this for 1-4 hours; if irritation occurs, remove the compress immediately and consult a doctor. The history of Helichrysum italicum, or Immortelle, boasts its anti-aging benefits. I try to use this oil 2-4 times a week, mixed in with my regular face cream. I take 5–10 drops mixed into a dime-to-quarter-sized amount of face cream and apply topically. Its natural ability to produce collagen helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles in the face. It also promotes nerve regeneration and reduces inflammation. Making this a must-have for your anti-aging regime. Ingesting the leaves or flowers can help aid in digestion, stomach bloating, acid reflux, and constipation. It has healing properties for your intestines as well. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the digestive tract, Helichrysum will aid in healing or at least provide some relief internally. Just from the anti-inflammatory properties alone. There are several brands of tea online that can provide an easy, pre-prepared method. For any other advice on natural remedies, book a session with me, Valentino, and let’s learn how to heal together the natural way. All recommendations for supplements or herbs should always be OK’d with your doctor before use. Love and light-VF
Nature’s Fragrant Touch: A Intro to Aromatherapy
Nature’s Fragrant Touch: A Intro to Aromatherapy Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, is a holistic approach to healing that utilizes the therapeutic properties of natural plant extracts. The application of aromatic essential oils for medicinal purposes contributes to the improvement of the body, mind, and spirit, fostering overall health for individuals. The essential oils used in aromatherapy are created from the extracts of various plant parts, such as flowers, stems, and leaves. The extraction processes, such as distillation and cold pressing employed by manufacturers, yield highly potent oils. It takes several pounds of plant materials to produce a single small bottle of essential oil. Inhaling these oils has been supported by research, confirming their effectiveness in dealing with a range of health issues. The roots of aromatherapy extend back to ancient civilizations, with both Egyptians and Greeks incorporating essential oils into their practices for religious and medicinal purposes. Soldiers have received aromatherapy not only as a means to treat physical wounds but also to alleviate anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from their experiences. In more recent times, essential oils have infused themselves into facets of everyday life, from candles and perfumes to spa treatments and meditation classes. Individuals can reap the benefits of essential oils through inhalation, ingestion, or absorption through the skin. Aromatherapy: History and Uses Throughout history, individuals have welcomed the practice of aromatherapy. Ancient civilizations, including China, India, Egypt, and beyond, integrated aromatic plant components into resins, balms, and oils, using the “magic” of these natural substances for both medical and religious purposes. The benefits of these aromatic elements were acknowledged to extend beyond the physical realm, encompassing psychological well-being. Records dating to the 10th century document the practice and benefits of aromatherapy. The knowledge of essential oil distillation was recorded in the 16th century in Germany, marking a pivotal moment in the documentation of this ancient technique. In the 19th century, French physicians recognized the vast potential of essential oils in the treatment of various diseases, underscoring their holistic & therapeutic value. As the 19th century progressed, the medical field witnessed the establishment and prominence of medical doctors who increasingly leaned towards the utilization of chemical drugs. Despite this shift, French and German physicians remained rooted in their recognition of the crucial role played by natural botanicals in the treatment of illnesses. This acknowledgement laid the foundation for the continued use of aromatherapy in holistic approaches to maintaining natural health and well-being. How Does Aromatherapy Work? Essential oils take center stage by activating the smell receptors in the noses of individuals, initiating a stream of messages to the brain’s limbic system. This integral system, responsible for governing emotions, memory, learning, appetite, and sex drive, becomes a key player in the transformative effects of aromatherapy. Inhaling essential oils triggers diverse bodily responses, influencing breathing patterns, blood pressure, and heart rate. For individuals seeking holistic solutions, aromatherapy emerges as an alternative and versatile approach to addressing mental and physical challenges. Whether the goal is pain relief, enhanced focus, heightened olfactory senses, improved sleep, or digestive support, there are a variety of essential oils tailored to facilitate the healing process. Aromatherapy can be seamlessly integrated into daily routines through various methods, including direct inhalation, vaporizers, humidifiers, perfumes, and aromatherapy diffusers. By comprehending the unique benefits of each essential oil, individuals can craft personalized blends tailored to meet their distinct mental and physical health needs. This understanding empowers individuals to harness the therapeutic potential of aromatherapy, forging a path towards holistic well-being through the aromatic wonders of nature. Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption using products such as these: diffusers aromatic spritzers inhalers bathing salts Body oils, creams, or lotions for massage or topical application facial steamers Hot and cold compresses clay masks Aromatherapy Benefits Aromatherapy, serving as an alternative approach to traditional Western medicine, offers a myriad of benefits, including promoting relaxation, alleviating stress, and fostering overall well-being through the utilization of natural essential oils with therapeutic properties. These benefits include: management of pain improve sleep quality reduce stress, agitation, and anxiety soothe sore joints treat headaches and migraines fight bacteria, viruses, or fungi improve digestion improve hospice and palliative care boost immunity Beginning the use of aromatherapy is most effectively undertaken through a consultation with a healthcare provider specializing in complementary and alternative medicine. These practitioners will help individuals evaluate the potential benefits and associated risks of aromatherapy, tailoring their insights to the unique context of each individual’s medical history and current health status. By seeking guidance from a healthcare provider, individuals gain access to a comprehensive approach that combines professional expertise with practical application. This collaborative approach aids individuals who are equipped with the necessary understanding about the benefits and potential side effects of this holistic practice. Popular Aromatherapy Oils Carrier oils are a vehicle for safely getting essential oils into your body. Because essential oils are so potent, individuals usually use a much higher percentage of carrier oil compared to essential oils. There are several ways to incorporate essential oils into everyday life, such as enhancing a facial toner, shampoo, or conditioner with essential oils. Individuals can also diffuse or spritz the oils throughout a room or pour them into a bath. Always consult with your medical provider before ingesting or using any form of essential oil therapy. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, the most popular essential oils are: clary sage eucalyptus geranium ginger lavender lemon lemongrass mandarin peppermint Roman chamomile rose rosemary tea tree Watch for Side Effects Talk to a healthcare provider before using aromatherapy in any form if you: Are pregnant or could become pregnant. Aromatherapy is generally safe during pregnancy. But your provider may tell you to avoid certain essential oils or techniques. Have any diagnosed medical conditions. Aromatherapy may not be safe for people with certain conditions, like epilepsy, asthma, and some skin conditions. Take prescription medication. Aromatherapy involves the utilization of natural, plant-based products that may interact with medications. Just