The year’s final Mercury retrograde began on December 13 and will continue until Mercury stations direct on January 1, 2024 at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Many times, Mercury Retrograde becomes convenient justification for those seeking an explanation for minor mishaps – a cosmic escape clause, so to speak. Whether it is an unanswered text or a questionable fashion decision, Mercury in retrograde often serves as the Universe’s free pass, allowing us to redirect responsibility from ourselves and attribute blame to celestial movements of the heavenly bodies above. 

Is it reasonable to hold a distant planet accountable for our everyday blunders? If a stumble occurs during a simple walk, is it due to Mercury’s whimsical moonwalk? Perhaps, or maybe it is just a case of personal clumsiness. Astrologers assert that Mercury’s retrograde influence extends to communication, travel, and technology.

Before engaging in the intergalactic blame game, it is essential to consider the limitations of attributing every life hiccup to Mercury retrograde. The following are things that can not be blamed on astrological bodies appearing to move in a reverse motion:

Being in a Bad Mood

When your emails become entangled in the web of communication glitches, it’s a universally disliked scenario. However, how you react to these hiccups is entirely unrelated to Mercury’s influence.

Ghosting Others

While this troublesome period is notorious for disrupting schedules, the increased likelihood of communication mix-ups doesn’t excuse avoiding standing appointments without explanation. Attribute it to rudeness, not the retrograde.

A Bad Hair Day

If you step out of the house with a chaotic, frizzy bird’s nest of a hairstyle, go ahead and tell any unsuspecting onlookers, “Oh, it’s just Mercury in retrograde.” Just ensure that you, your hair, and your stylist all acknowledge that it’s not actually true. A planet isn’t responsible for your disheveled appearance.

Getting Back Together With An Ex

Mercury retrograde does possess a knack for resurfacing people from your past. If any of your exes happen to reappear during this astrological phase, it’s reasonable to attribute it to planetary dynamics. Nonetheless, you have the autonomy to decide the level of interaction you engage in with them. Their reappearance might not necessarily be about rekindling a romance but could instead offer the closure you may have been seeking for that past relationship.

You Broke a Nail, Lost a Sock, Misplaced Your Keys…

Whether you have chipped a tooth or shattered your beloved coffee cup, it is easy to point fingers at Mercury Retrograde as the cosmic scapegoat. Instead of laying blame on Mercury, consider consulting your natal chart to locate Chiron, the wounded warrior. As Hamlet wisely observed, there are more things in heaven and Earth, reminding us to explore broader influences.

Crashing Commitments

Perhaps there is some understanding of how planetary motion might influence gravity, potentially affecting motivation to rise from bed, prepare a nutritious meal (instead of opting for a drive-thru), and hit the gym before work. Mercury is certainly not the reason for any of that. There are countless explanations for such behaviors, but Mercury is definitely not one of them.

Being Stressed Out

Undoubtedly, the advent of Mercury retrograde tends to unsettle many individuals. However, it is highly likely that its influence is not the sole cause of whatever might be bothering the person at the moment. A sincere examination of oneself and the environment without immediately attributing everything to cosmic events may reveal more grounded reasons for their current troubles. It is time to take responsibility and realize that it is our own perspective that shapes our own reality.

In actuality during Mercury retrograde, individuals have the opportunity to reconsider and reflect on aspects of their lives that may not be working. If someone is consistently neglecting their usual self-care routine, intentionally avoiding plans, or regularly stepping out with disheveled hair, they should take a cue from the planetary influence and get back on track.

This being said, what can we look forward to during this end-of-year retrograde period?

The last retrograde of the year will begin December 13 and end on January 1, 2024. During this time, Mercury will move from Capricorn to Sagittarius. Astrological Squares represent great challenges with great rewards. They are lessons we need to learn, and create friction and ambition. This retrograde has a planetary square with Neptune, which may result in confusion, ambiguous emotions and internalized frustrations emerging. Finances might be affected and you may feel the urge to overspend.

Communication and travel snafus will undoubtedly abound. There may be added stress to travel plans and festivities with the family, but that is normal when so many travel at the same time. To have foreknowledge is to be forewarned. Remember to keep a cool mind.

Finally, Mercury retrograde is known for sending exes hurtling back into your life. Do not be surprised if you get a “Happy Holidays” or “Happy New Year” text from someone you thought was gone for good. Perhaps they resurfaced to provide the “closure” you needed on that relationship. 

Here’s how the retrograde will affect your Sun sign: 

  • Aries
    • Even during a brief holiday break, it’s advised for Aries to stay connected, as there might be people in need. Leading isn’t easy, Aries, but you excel at it!
  • Taurus
    • Maturity lies in admitting when one is wrong. Take responsibility for actions and outbursts, Taurus. Demonstrating active commitment to self-improvement and personal growth is crucial.
  • Gemini
    • Anticipate a run-in with the past this month, particularly with an ex. Use this opportunity to make the most of the encounter and form a new relationship.
  • Cancer
    • Embrace change, even if it brings an initial adjustment period. The alterations are necessary, and committing to them will lead to positive outcomes.
  • Leo
    • Unexpected issues may disrupt routines, but it’s crucial not to let them hinder enjoyment. Go with the flow, Leo, and don’t let minor or major disruptions spoil the holiday spirit.
  • Virgo
    • If creativity feels elusive, give your mind some rest. Seek inspiration from nature or meditation, reconnecting with yourself for a fresh perspective before pursuing goals.
  • Libra
    • This is an ideal time for decluttering and enhancing living spaces. Rather than drastic changes, consider subtle additions like throw pillows or a new welcome mat to refresh the home.
  • Scorpio
    • Feeling off? Avoid major decisions and double-check your communication. Ensure your words align with your truth, especially in texts and emails.
  • Sagittarius
    • Keep receipts for holiday season purchases, as some may be regrettable. This foresight will be useful for returns or exchanges, especially if you receive duplicate gifts.
  • Capricorn
    • Nostalgia during time with loved ones is natural. Embrace these moments for self-reflection, gaining insights into your present and future. Engage in meaningful conversations to create lasting memories.
  • Aquarius
    • Engage in activities stimulating both mind and body. Take moments of silence, go for a long walk, and have a conversation with your inner self to recognize your inner voice.
  • Pisces
    • Focus on expanding and rebuilding your network, as these connections may offer valuable insights and opportunities. Don’t hesitate to seek advice or introductions.

No matter what the heavens may or may not have in store for us all, perhaps during this re-trograde period we should all take a collective breath, turn our sights up above, re-member, re-flect, re-joice, and be thankful that no matter what the cosmos threw at us this year, we all made it through 2023.