Helichrysum Italicum

(Note: Before any application or use of the information below, first consult with your doctor. I am not a medical professional, and my article is strictly based on my personal knowledge and experiences. Always do a test patch for skin allergies before use, and consult your medical professionals to ensure this is the right oil or herb for you.

Also known as Italian Strawflower or Immortelle. It has been used for hundreds of years to help with a variety of issues. It tends to be found in the Mediterranean on rocky, sandy, or dry ground. Its scent is bitter and comparable to curry, sage, or wormwood. Many times, it is paired with fish for cooking.

Helichrysum increases cutaneous microcirculation and collagen. Giving it a high level of antioxidant behavior. This has a benefit in healing wounds and scar tissue. Its effects are also beneficial for old scars. For a good face application or to apply to scar tissue, I would combine 10 drops of Helichrysum oil and 10 drops of Frankincense oil and mix with 80–100 drops of carrier oil (I prefer Castor Oil). Massage gently 2-3 times a day for scar tissue, and 1 to 2 times a day for general facial rejuvenation.
For broken bones, bruises, or muscle pains, take 10–30 drops of the essential oil and apply them to a damp gauze pad soaked in hot water. Place it on the area where you have pain and cover it with saran wrap. You can leave this for 1-4 hours; if irritation occurs, remove the compress immediately and consult a doctor.

The history of Helichrysum italicum, or Immortelle, boasts its anti-aging benefits. I try to use this oil 2-4 times a week, mixed in with my regular face cream. I take 5–10 drops mixed into a dime-to-quarter-sized amount of face cream and apply topically. Its natural ability to produce collagen helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles in the face. It also promotes nerve regeneration and reduces inflammation. Making this a must-have for your anti-aging regime.

Ingesting the leaves or flowers can help aid in digestion, stomach bloating, acid reflux, and constipation. It has healing properties for your intestines as well. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the digestive tract, Helichrysum will aid in healing or at least provide some relief internally. Just from the anti-inflammatory properties alone. There are several brands of tea online that can provide an easy, pre-prepared method.

For any other advice on natural remedies, book a session with me, Valentino, and let’s learn how to heal together the natural way. All recommendations for supplements or herbs should always be OK’d with your doctor before use.

Love and light