Happy Holidays!
I wanted to share a message that had been weighing on my heart. Please stick with me, as my article will be a bit long winded and perhaps slightly roundabout but trust me, you’ll understand why that is.
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us, and I’ve noticed that I was picking up on this overwhelming urge to find solace in silence. From Halloween through New Years Eve, there’s an energetic avalanche that most of us experience. It begins with finding costumes and seeking out the best Halloween party to attend. For those with children, there are a slew of Halloween events which is capped off by trick or treating. Thanksgiving is up next and we start flooding the grocery stores. Families travel and gather to watch the Macy’s day parade. We gorge ourselves on turkey and all the fixings. By midnight, department stores and all online merchants are pumping out Christmas propaganda & discount sales.
Now everyone is making Christmas lists, over spending and turning their homes into a cozy winter wonderland. This is all in a more mundane sense but in the spiritual community, not only are we tasked with this capitalistic onslaught but we have the added displeasure of being empathic. We know people over spend to fill voids & one thing I’ve learned over the years is that the wrong things have the most value placed upon them & we are a slave to it until we choose not to be.
Knowing on a spiritual level that people value things almost more than they value themselves is hard! So many people are struggling with learning how to be decent human beings and on a larger scale, political greed has resulted in multiple genocides being carried out in various places around the world. We know people care less about the well being of others and even less about themselves. They have tunnel vision and hyper-fixate on that bottle of Baccarat Rouge 540, the Chanel purse or the mountain of toys that their kids will play with for only a week. I understand it may sound like I’m on a soap box and I’d be willing to admit I might be but also, two things can be true at once.
Humans have an unhealthy understanding of how to prioritize compassion and empathy. Globally, it’s resulting in desensitization and despair. This behavior is has caused millions of lives to be lost. With so many people dying and being abused, sold into human slavery and displaced from their homes, I can literally feel that the spirits are at attention. The world as a whole has collectively understood that we have been blind. It’s as if some sort of cosmic siren has sounded. It is calling you back home to yourself. If you do nothing else this holiday season, refrain from trying to absorb anything that isn’t coming from yourself. The outcome is not the thing to focus on. Actively observing yourself is the challenge.
With the access we have to information, it overwhelms us, especially us people in the spiritual community. We are looking for every synchronicity to tie us to our Twin Flame. We are watching every tiktok or YouTube reader to tell us that our life is never going to look the same after December 13th-15th. This is really what I wanted to discuss, the blatant and incessant pandering to those who are not valuing themselves. By hanging onto every syllable your favorite reader spews out, you dishonor yourself by focusing on signs and synchronicity.
This is why I didn’t feel called to pump a reading out this month. I feel like there is a very deep call coming from inside the house and it’s telling me to not look without. Not to cast out a single possibility or potentiality. The guidance is that we need to retreat, to really lean on their own inner guidance, god or our ancestors. This massive nudge allows me to reflect & revel in my own essence. I understand how easy it is to fall into the trap when a reading makes mention to something super obscure. It leaves you feeling hopeful for 30 minutes but what you’re not realizing is that by constantly seeking out validation, you are robbing yourself of the gift of presence.
Yes, people resonate with my readings and within minutes, people will start seeing or hearing things that align with what I saw or felt. While that’s great, it’s not always because your wish is granted. There is likely a lesson in why you didn’t get what you wanted or why it feels like the cosmos is dangling a carrot in front of your face. You might feel like you were overlooked, you’ll wonder why that person didn’t reach out to you. If you boil it down, it’s because it isn’t what’s right for you. The universe will show you what you want and never deliver it. The reasons for this could be numerous and I won’t pretend to know the mechanics behind it but I’ve experienced it enough times to know this is a very real phenomenon.
You might notice certain feeling in your body if you are too fragmented & scattered. For me, I start to feel like my energy beams out of my aura. The best imagery that comes to mind is how the needles jut out of a cactus. You don’t realize how reliant you are on the external validation and the signs, that you don’t ever really develop your discernment. There is no safe bet, only trial by fire. The more we place stock in the answers others give us, the more we will seek out predictions that match our desires but never fully manifest! The best teachers and mentors are the ones who help you to trust yourself, not to rely on them. With that being said, I hope you grant yourself the gift of silence this holiday season! You deserve to feel safe with yourself.